We celebrated Independence Day on June 11this year with a Hawaiian theme.
My job was to organize party favors and pass them out at the end of the event.
Typically, U.S. companies donate merchandise that we pass out as our guests are leaving. Unfortunately, this year, we did not have many items to give away. I had some food coupons, highlighters, and cookies.
I recommended items such as macadamia nuts (that would not melt in the heat), post cards, silk leis, Kona Coffee pods, and foldable, reusable shopping bags.
Due to budget constraints, we purchased only the bags – hoping for additional donations. I ordered the bags from a local company, and I designed the artwork for the front of the bag. It had to be simplified to meet our budget constraints, but I’m proud of my work! I even incorporated the event slogan – Spirit of Aloha.
I organized a team of twenty summer hire students, and taking shifts, we managed to give out over 1000 ‘thank you for coming’ gifts!
It was so hot, and so humid. I’m glad it is over…and we don’t have to do it again until next year!!